coaching information

programmes and sessions

A question often asked is "how long should the programme be and how many sessions?" This is very much up to you though I can give you some suggested guidance.

It can be hard to get anywhere beneficial in less than a few sessions. At the other end of the spectrum it depends on a range of factors: how many objectives / how complex the objectives, progress made to date and commitment of the client to complete between session activities are just a few of them.

I tend to recommend contracting for several sessions as a starting point. We can then add more sessions if required.


My experience suggests weekly or fortnightly sessions works best. More frequent makes it hard to do much between sessions and less frequent means that things can get forgotten and the momentum can drop.

length of sessions

Sessions are typically 90 minutes in length. We might be a bit under or over that from time to time. Rigidity is not a benefit in coaching.


Each programme is uniquely tailored to the needs and requirements of the individual and/or organisation and as such there is no 'standard' fee.

Once we have had our first conversation, I will be in a position to outline likely costs and fees. This will be before you have committed to anything, of course.

getting ready for coaching

Let's say you have contacted me about coaching. We have had an exploratory conversation and agreed to move forward. We agree and sign a contract, I supply a client profile form which you complete and return to me. This gives us a starting place.
We discuss what you are trying to achieve in outline. From this, I may suggest one or more profiling / psychometric exercises.
You complete these exercises and the results are returned to me. Meanwhile, I draw together tools and techniques most likely to benefit you at the start of your programme. The scene is set and we can proceed to the first session.

approachable professionalism

Coaching is all about the client.

Coaching benefits should be eye-opening, energising, positive and thought provoking.

I work to maximise rapport between my client and myself. As part of that I aim to learn about my client’s business and their role within it; this helps me better understand my client and coach them. In turn, this helps my client better work with the business and/or personal areas they are addressing.

I take a planned intuitive approach in session involving coaching models appropriate for that moment together with a range of tools to support the client on their journey and provide them with the time and security of space to think, reflect and respond.

I use elements of my performance background to help bring aspects to life, to improve client engagement and, via a range of exercises, help the client discover options for themselves.

I have a streamlined contracting and objective definition process, which minimises effort on the client / organisation side in contracting and moving into the coaching programme.

I find coaching fulfilling and deeply rewarding and I do my best to bring this aspect into the relationship with my client.

next steps

Ready for a conversation? You can schedule a short Discovery Call via the 'schedule a discovery call' button at the bottom right of the page. This opens a window where you select date, time etc.
Alternatively Get in contact and we can set up a call
You represent an organisation? Please contact me using whatever method works best for you. Please include the organisation name and the type of service you are looking for.