Multi-Platform Work Environment & Hybrid Working

How does a multiplatform organisation change and adapt to the next normal? For some, already working in a dynamic hybrid culture, the next normal will just be the next step. For other organisations, it means revolution.

In one friend’s organisation those in manufacture are on site, whilst office staff mainly working from home. There’s clear potential for confusion and resentment in such cases, especially where the boundary between office based and manufacturing is fairly softly defined.

What about prototyping and what should be an easy flowing dialogue between developers and designers? The virtual team just may not do at the cutting edge of production.

Similar concerns exist in most organisations; key challenges for employers include:

  • Thinking through the process, management and cultural implications of hybrid
  • Deciding which roles are and are not eligible for hybrid working
  • Rethinking HR risks when excluding roles or refusing requests to work under a hybrid model

So how does a multiplatform organisation address the next normal? From:

  • a technical perspective, ensure the various environments are compatible, fully supported and properly used
  • an organisational perspective, communicate and embed new ways of working at every level in the organisation
  • an ops management perspective, ensure that processes, standards, unit relationships, KPIs/performance measures and reporting are updated as needed
  • a people performance perspective, ensure HR are fully engaged in job definition, training, courses, workshops and more
  • a leadership perspective, prepare the team for change at every level – coaching is very likely to be of significant benefit at senior level. In times of radical (and so usually scary) change, leaders need to be aware of and able to work with the often-forceful organisational tensions that lie beneath the surface. Coaching is well- established as an effective way to help leaders develop the necessary soft skills.

Taking control.
There is clearly a lot to do and much of that is inter-related and interwoven; up, down and across the organisation. To get the best outcomes, the whole process needs to be carefully planned and implemented. Without good planning (or going into this blindly), you could see productivity nose dive, process failure and increased churn. Just when you’re trying to get ahead of the curve.

Why act now?
If not now, the changes will be harder to realise and the organisation may find it harder to kick on successfully. Which helps nobody… except perhaps the competition.

To talk about how we might help, please email me on, call me on 07949 142497 or select other contact option.